I just installed Apple’s new Lion OS on my laptop and discovered that I was no longer able to access my ReadyNAS Duo.
After some research I was able to restore access to my ReadyNAS and thought I would pass along the temporary fix.
First, if you have not already discovered ReadyNAS.com, you should check it out!  This is an amazing ReadyNAS web community loaded with information, updates, FAQs, and forums.
According to ReadyNAS.com, Lion is NOT compatible with ReadyNAS Duo/NV+ or past sparc-based systems (600, X6, 1000S, 1100).

The workaround is to connect via SMB (Server Message Block) to the ReadyNAS.  You just need the IP address of the unit.  From the Apple Desktop: Go -> Connect to Server
A Firmware upgrade is already available in beta release that will fix the compatibility issues.
I have not tried the beta firmware, with all the stuff I have on my ReadyNAS I don’t want to take any chances. Â I’m sure it works great, but SMB access is good enough for me…at least for now.
If you can’t wait for the update, you can download the latest beta firmware beta release here.
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