Tag: Cost

  • Fun XLIX Super Bowl Stats (2015)

    Everything about the NFL Super Bowl is measured on a grand scale. Each year I enjoy looking at some of the numbers. Especially the technical, TV production-related numbers. Here are four “numbers” that stood out this year:


    This number represents the average costs of a 30-second Super Bowl Commercial for the XLIX 205 Super Bowl. The chart below provides some historical context on the rise of the Super Bowl Commercial.


    According to the Wall Street Journal, Americans are “expected to order about 12.5 million pizzas on Sunday. Order early!


    Lastly, 51… This is the number of television cameras that will be used for “Game” coverage. This does not include, the pre-game show, half time, and all the other extra productions that surround the big game.

    In fact, the full camera plan is available online, check it out here.