Our family is on a short two-day ski trip in New Hampshire, staying at Hampton Inn & Suites North Conway. The hotel is great, extremely family friendly, and the staff are nice. There’s an amazing mini-water park  inside the hotel, bingo night, movie night complete with popcorn. Just a wonderful place.
Unfortunately, I needed to sneak in a quick Skype TV interview for work Monday morning and was hoping the hotel wifi would be strong enough. In running some speed tests the night before and I was frightened by the results. I’m not a big business traveler, but I’ve heard the hotel wifi can vary significantly and often performs rather poorly.
I’m barely getting 1MB download and upload speeds and about half that:

To be fair, I was testing the wifi at the worst possible time, 9pm on school vacation week. I believe the hotel is nearly full, it will be curious to see if there’s any improvement in the morning.
Thankfully, I also have a Verizon wireless phone with a Mobile Hotspot subscription and that speed test result was much more promising for a Skype video call that needs to have decent quality and no dropouts.

I’ll try to update this post in the AM, once I have a chance to test the hotel wifi again. The safe bet for now will be to use the Verizon HotSpot for the Skype video interview.
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